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Why England?

This post talks about some of the reasons why we have a heart for England. Take a look before you continue on to the rest of the blog.   ...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Day One - of prayer and fasting

Day one - Preparation

- preparation for us; 

Eric's schooling, that he would be able to accomplish what needs to be done for the classes.
Pre-field training, we'd have a spot to attend in October.
Preparing us for things we don't even know yet 

- preparation for England; 
Hearts and minds of the young adults in the area for the Word.
Hearts and minds of the people in the churches for young adults. 


Today starts our 7 days or prayer and fasting for us as we prepare to leave for the mission field and for England.  Webster describes preparation as "the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use" 

1 Peter 3:15. Says "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame."  

Prepared here is the same word used when talking about the virgins who had enough oil and we're prepared when the bridegroom came (in Matt 25:10).   

When I woke up today I didn't know what God was going to teach me about being prepared.  Then the doorbell rang.
You see we are moving at the end of Sept and our land lady wanted to stop by this weekendto look at the place and see if any repairs were needed. I told her I'd be home all Sat and Sun. I was going to be prepared for this. Scrub the floor, dust the shades, make homemade cookies so the house smelt nice... fresh fruit bowl on the table.  I wasn't prepared for it to happen today. I had boxes and bubble wrap and piles of books to sort through.

We were caught unaware even though we knew it was comming. The Bible tells us somthing is comming, tells us that people are going to ask questions and that we are going to have to give answers. We are told through both the verses above that we are to be prepared, to make our selves ready, for the things we know are coming and for the things we can't know all the details about.  What can you do today to be prepared for that?

During this season we are taking many steps so that we are prepared when it's time to leave - even if we don't have a departure date yet.  What is God asking you to be prepared for? Are you living life prepared for when God asks you to do something?

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