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Why England?

This post talks about some of the reasons why we have a heart for England. Take a look before you continue on to the rest of the blog.   ...

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Discouragement isnt meant for those with Hope

It is easy to get discouraged, they say this time of year specifically leaves people discouraged, saf, and with out hope.
Which is so devious of the enemy, because this is the time of year we are meant to be greatful and remeber when true hope came to mankind.

There is a Chris Tomlin song that says Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. I believe it does but it comes out of the battlefield of discouragement, fear, and waiting. Then we learn the hope that holds true and of the strength in the Lord.

This morning I was struggling in the land of discouragement.  I was fearful that our burden and desire to serve in England would never come to fruition.  Looking at it logically, the world would say give up. But faith says to trust - that is where the strength arises to believe in what logic says is to much.
Eric passed on an article to me this morning. It opened my eyes and reminded me why it is so important not to give up, why the ministry in England is so needed - even if the majority of churches in America don't see it as an adequate mission field.

This article (linked below) shares about the young adults in Somerset who are living in despair and discouragement.  It quotes young people who are really saying they have no hope. They don't know the God of life, strength doesn't come to them in their troubled times. When they cry out they don't know who will listen.

This article reminded me of what God wants to do there. Showed me again the need and emptiness that the young adults who are feeling "forgotten" are left in.
We can't let them feel frogotten, we can't leave them in their hopeless state. Not when we know God loves them and knows each by name and has a plan for each of them a purpose they do not understand but know is missing.

Please join me in praying for these young adults, these forgotten and looked over youth. Please join in praying that hearts are burdened and churches aligned so that we may leave for the field and start showing this lost generation the way to a God who will dramatically change their lives by filling it with purpose and hope.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

We want to say Happy Thanksgiving to our family, friends, and partners. 

      There is so much this month that we have to give thanks for. We are so blessed by our family and partners who support us in so many ways as we continue on this journey.  We had an amazing fundraiser, even with the ice storm that happened that night. It was so exciting to see so many friends and are thankful for the people who were able to make it. 
We were so blessed to raise $4,180.00 that night towards our launch funds.  Then a week later we got a call and there is a generous individual who hear about our fundraiser and our ministry and wanted to add $1,500.00 to our total. That is $5,680.00 towards our launch fund - we have 50% of our launch fund raised!!!!!  

    We are also thankful for the time we have had together this past week as we took a little break (staycation) to relax from the crazy running and planning of the previous month. 

We hope you and your family find time to relax and enjoy the day today as you celebrate all the reasons we have to be thankful.