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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Wishing you a Merry Christmas

This year Christmas is different.

 We celebrated with our families when we visited the states in October and now our little family of three will celebrate here in the UK.

The days of celebration and traditions weve grown accustomed to are now replaced with new days and different customs. While we hold on to those deep rooted family traditions that shaped our childhood we cant refuse these new ones that have shaped our community. 

Our sons will grow understanding a mixture of American and English Christmas while never really being able to identify with one or the other.. a sacrifice of the field.

It's hard when things are different,  whether its merging two separate family holidays into a new marriage,  learning to build around the loss of a loved one, or moving to a different place where maybe they dont ever have white Christmases.

However there are things that dont change. The love of a family, the excitment of a kid unwrapping a present, the heart and emotion behind the Christmas season.

The meaning of Christmas never changes either. How precious the thought that no matter the location, emotion, struggle or joy the reason we come together stays the same. The gift of Christ, the center of our salvation story came for us.

Just as our beed for him never changes niether does his sacrifice for us.

This Christmas we are preparing for our second son to be born, It affects everything we attend, all the decorations,  even how we celebrate... I cant help but think of Mary and Joseph, while they weren't preparing for Christmas they were moving, going for a census, just married... their preperation included a little baby that would change not just their life but their world...

This Christmas in the midst of all the tinsel and traditions are you preparing for the little baby that changed the world? Are you leaving space to welcome him in?

From our family to yours we hope you have a blessed Christmas ♡

The Mayers

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