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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

It's a good thing when saying good-bye is hard

So this is it... this is the end. And the beginning.

I've waited years to write this post, I've dreamt of what I would say, of how excited I'd be... greatful the day came. And I am. But I am not as well.

During our training in N Carolina we talked about saying good bye well and mourning what we are sacrificing so that we can fully embrace what God has next. I'm so glad we were warned - because when it's far off and your planning and you just want it so bad, it's easy to over look what you are leaving behind.

I recently read an article that talked about our skewed view of God's plan for us. How we think he wants us to just be happy and comfortable.  That he wouldn't call us to something that would cost us.

 But he does. Sometimes it's a big cost, like leaving all you love and sometimes it's a small cost, like not watching a movie you want because of the content. But there's a cost when it comes to following God.. and why shouldn't there be. Let us never forget the cost that was paid for us.

It is hard to say good-bye and how blessed we are that we have something that makes it so hard to leave. And how blessed we are that there is a reason so wonderful that it is worth leaving for.

We can't wait. As a little 9 year old girl I prayed God would use me and through out my life he has put me at the beginning of adventures that he has used to show me his glory. I can't wait to stand amazed.

As we prepare to leave tomorrow our little family wants to thank yours for your love, prayers, support, grace, and being a part of what makes leaving hard.

This is it! As much as I have cried I have also jumped up with joy. God has been faithful and has kept his promise. He has walked with us each way, guided us through each lesson, and stood with us in each trial. We know we don't go alone, but we go proclaiming the name of him who paid it all.

Let's go!

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