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Why England?

This post talks about some of the reasons why we have a heart for England. Take a look before you continue on to the rest of the blog.   ...

Saturday, December 22, 2018

...and then it is done...

Wow, my dear friends I don't even know where to start. I look back at a lot of these entries and am amazed at the journey God has taken us to bring us to this day. A journey that still has some road left until we start at a different task.

When we start pursuing our God given dreams it is easy to think that all the details and requirements will fall into place, almost miraculously... why not? If God wants you to do something He will obviously make it easy,  right?!?  I have heard people use that excuse to back out when things get tough. I wanted to use that excuse at times - I questioned if this was really God's plan if we were constantly fighting battles.  But there is a difference in struggling against God and fighting the opposition..  one that requires discernment but the difference is there.

After two years of planning, praying, fighting, and trusting I am so happy to say that we are seeing God move in a mighty way - we are going to England... Praise God, oh my soul! Plane flys out the 10th of January. .. yikes!

It is so surreal and surprisingly I am not sure how to respond. I started praying about this when I was 9 years old... that is 23 years...  that is a life time of waiting to see God's move.  It is overwhelming (seriously there is a lot to do), sad (we will miss everyone soo much), exciting (we get to go serve in England), and another feeling I can't explain. It is a feeling that says something big, God size big, is coming. That what I have been prepared for is ready....

So all the visa paperwork is sent in.... praising God he provided all the materials needed and we were able to ship it off yesterday.  Praying his hand over it. 

During this step of many that still needs to be checked off a list I was given a beautiful reminder yesterday : as we drove away from UPS I said "it's out of my hands now" and she turned to me and simply said "it's never was in your hands".  Thank God for mothers.... she was right .. as much as we are called to be good stewards of what God has given us, ultimately it is always only in His hands... we just need to remove ours enough to notice that.

I'm excited to move forward and glad you are coming with us as we trust and rest in His hands. 


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