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Why England?

This post talks about some of the reasons why we have a heart for England. Take a look before you continue on to the rest of the blog.   ...

Friday, October 27, 2017


I wanted to give everybody a summary of the amazing conferences we were able to attend this month. It was hard being gone for half the month and learning to live out of suitcases and on the road, but it was sooo worth it.  We were challenged, encouraged, blessed, prayed over, spoken over, and made some amazing friends. 

Our first stop was Minnesota, we stayed in Duluth and joined New Life Church for their conference. They are so welcoming and encouraging and so strong in prayer and speaking over others lives. It was such an encouragement to see the intimacy that they put into their conference and the relationship they build with each of their missionary partners. We met so many wonderful people and look forward to seeing them again next year. Here are two pictures from their church. 

After that conference we had a short break before we drove to Northern Wisconsin to join Pastor Kelton again at Shell Lake Full Gospel conference.  It is always so humbling to see the number of missionaries gathered together in one place. Many of them have been in the field for 30+ years - which is wonderful for us, who are just starting out, to see their faithfulness. 
This was an amazing trip, packed full of learning and time of fellowship. This is our second year attending as a couple (my third) and each time we are lifted up and prepared to continue on the path God has placed us. We had the blessing of getting to know people that I know will lead to life time friendships. While there we also took a trip to a Christian school in Hayward where we got to share what it means to be a missionary. 

School in Hayward

The theme at Shell Lake was STEADFAST.  

Here we are in the church

Here is Pastor Kelton sharing his ministry in England and Europe

Ladies tea is always such an amazing time with other sisters in Christ.
This event was one of the inspirations I used to start the women's luncheons with the Titus 2 Ministries.

We love you guys! THANK YOU for taking this journey with us as we wait on God and his perfect timing.

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