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Why England?

This post talks about some of the reasons why we have a heart for England. Take a look before you continue on to the rest of the blog.   ...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


This post may include random ramblings. I have been discouraged lately and I refuse to believe the lie that just because we are going to be missionaries we have to have it all figured out. The lie that just because you are a Christian you have to never show hurt or fear. I think as believers, the enemy likes to make us think we can't make mistakes or struggle. That we need to have everything figured out and perfect in order for people to believe in our faith. I want to say now that is the biggest and scariest lie the devil tells you.  Because, people listen closely here, WE ARE NOT CALLED TO DO IT ALONE.

We are not called to hide, to pretend, to fix ourselves, or to be perfect. We are not called to live in fear or dismay either. In fact we are called to GO UP to take that which God has promised us. We can't do that if we are hiding and scared of who we really are.

Now I am a big fan of the 'right time and place and person' to share things with, even as I post on an open blog. But when the fear grows that we can't share our discouragement or fear with our close brothers and sisters in Christ... well we set up for more fear and discouragement.

Deuteronomy 1:21 says "The Lord your God has set the Land before you. Go up, take possession as the Lord has told you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy is talking to the Jewish people as they are about to enter the promised land. How many promises, calls, directions have you received from God that lead you to a place that can be scary. Maybe it's the outcome, the responsibility, or maybe just the journey to follow him but at some point it gets scary. The Jewish people were giving such a huge promise and say God move in mighty ways to get them there. But they still had fear.  Our fear can keep us from seeing God's promises as attainable. We lose sight that he is the one who will complete the good work and we just have to believe and obey.  

We can't let the big and scary be more then the good and love of God is in our life....

So this is how I tie my ramblings together. If we are following God on a course and it gets scary, we are supposed to turn to our brothers and sisters in Christ for help. If we let the lie that we can't stand in the way, then things get bigger and scary and the promis of God seems farther away. Every one needs help and encouragement at some point. Look at Moses, even he needed his arms supported when the staff became to heavy. So instead of trying to be perfect, lets help each other raise our staffs and lets Go Up and claim the promises and victories God wants to do in our lives.


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