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Monday, July 18, 2016

Seeking out God.

Our first update in July! Wow, I can't believe it is already July...  in four weeks I will be starting school again and we will even busier than now. Today in my quiet time I was starting the book of Acts. Do you know that Jesus told the disciples to sit and wait. He said to wait where they were till the Holy spirit came and gave them the power they were missing. Of course then their mission was to go and witness to the world.. but first they had to wait. 

So many times I find I am so willing to go, to do, to organize or accomplish. However, when God says to wait.. that is hard. He always has us waiting for good reason too. Sometimes it is to learn something, to learn to let something go, to grow in our faith, or just so we give up the ridiculous idea that we can do it on our own. 

I feel like Eric and I have entered a long season of "wait". We are waiting 11 months to our expected leave date, waiting for 93% more funds to come in, waiting for Eric to get a new job, waiting for a child... wait wait wait.... it is my least favorite thing to do and yet it is the season God has put us in. Through waiting though we get to learn that he is faithful and able to sustain us. We get to practice budgeting on a lower income than we are used to. We get to see him work out his plans in areas that we were getting comfortable in. We are being called out and strengthened, not only in our relationship with God but with each other. 

How exciting!  that is what I am supposed to say right? To some extent it is, but it is also scary and tough and tiring. It is tense, sad, and frustrating. So what truly makes it exciting is that we are being prepared. The trials that have come since we have been commissioned, and while there are many I do not want this to become a dumping ground of complaints, God has shown true through each one. We have been being prepared to face trials and obstacles in a different land, with different responsibilities, and less supports. God is prepping us instead of throwing us out there with no experience to call back on.  

Jesus told the disciples to 'wait' because he wanted them to be prepared for what they were about to embark on.. Is God asking you to wait on something so he can prepare you?? 


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